Wednesday 22 May 2013


Don't sleep in your makeup
We all know this one. I can honestly say I've only left my makeup on overnight twice and it was awful; I woke up feeling as if I'd slept with a mask on and the very next day I broke out.
Your skin needs time to breathe and repair itself, just like the rest of you, sleep is the time for this.
Get yourself some makeup wipes and take that stuff off your face before bed!

Don't share your makeup
This one's difficult, especially if you're going on a night out and your mate's forgotten her mascara, but sharing makeup is an ideal way to swap germs and infections.

Don't forget sun lotion
The best way to keep your skin (and youth) in good condition is by regularly applying sunblock in the summer months.
I'd recommend getting a special sun cream for your face as the chemicals in regular ones can cause a reaction. Also look into investing in a foundation/BB cream with a decent SPF.

Don't squeeze spots
I've been there, I know it can be beyond tempting, especially when you have an important event coming up, but squeezing spots can not only be sore, it can cause infection and encourage scarring.

Don't skimp on the water
Okay, I know this is more of a 'do' but I'm running out, alright?
I'm really bad at this one.
Drink plenty of water, around 2 litres or more if you sweat a lot, for example through exercise or if it's been a hot day. 
It's good for your skin, body and overall well-being. 

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